If I can find the passage again, I'll send Tolstoy's (very) unequivocal words about professional artists. But you probably already know them! Long and short, sincere art cannot be a profession. Love your articles, even and especially, the curmudgeonness about them, proof of your sincerity. Next step is not to post on here at all. Or comment. Damn!

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Imagine if you get to the point that once a year you make this post, bunch of people do a one off, and the rest of the year you work in peace while people enjoy your archive. An annual donation drive like kids collecting around the neighbourhood at the beginning of a season. One can wish…

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Yeah, this would be the dream. Is it possible to put out enough consistently excellent work that once a year enough people feel moved to donate what adds up to a sizeable chunk of money?

I don’t know but I’m gonna keep working towards it and reporting back.

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Happy birthday Thomas. I really appreciate your motivation in doing this. I feel financial incentives to do this, but every time I’ve gone the route of putting something behind a paywall to try and encourage more paid subscribers, I don’t like the way I feel or what I write as much as when I simply share what I want to say. That might mean I don’t “make it” as a creator, but it means I live my life the way I want to.

Kudos to you.

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Exactly. I’ve never paywalled any of my work which is probably foolish from a financial standpoint but as you said it’s the only position that *feels* right for some of us. Great comment.

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As a fellow writer, I cannot concur more!

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Happy birthday Thomas! Kudos to you for "not playing the game"! It is hard to ignore (and not feel pressured) by the paid subscription line, but my husband and I have also found that the only way we can write, is to do share our thoughts when we have something to say, regardless of a particular publication schedule. All the best to you, and I look forward to continuing to read your writing:)

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Thanks Ruth, I knew you would be someone who got it. I can feel quite self-important going on about my ‘process’ and ‘principles’ and all of that here but I think in many cases I simply say what others are thinking and if that helps slightly ease that pressure to play the game for someone else then it is all worth it.

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