Aug 2, 2021Liked by Thomas J Bevan

"Showing involves simply creating something better and leading by example." This.

Also resonate with bemoaning the state of our broken culture - I do that too often. Thanks, tom.

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Although I liked the previous essay very much, the ideas and the way it was written, I am actually glad you wrote a new one, Tom. Let me explain why.

The new one makes a similar point but in a different way supporting the philosophy I have been trying to employ myself. In one of my recent pieces, ‘The Innermost self’, I wrote about erasing the grumpy self and replacing him with a new one, the visionary self, open-minded about the present and optimistic about the future (and not grumpy). The whole essay was my "showing" attempt (It's my favourite by far). The reason behind the erosion was I found out that bitterness and grumpiness weren't helping me nor potentially anyone else. Even if I stated the problem correctly, the subtle solution or signs of it were missing and, as you wrote, it was more "telling" than "showing".

I like to compare it with preaching vs martyring (potentially dumb analogy from many angles but I like it and will repeat it regardless). A preacher tells you what to believe in while a martyr sacrifices himself in order to demonstrate, to show. It's not only better conceptually but more effective practically. And not because it's more expository but also because of the empathy. It’s easier to empathise with the martyr because you can see what was and is at stake and can project it on yourself much easier.

To wrap up my train of thoughts here... I still think the deleted essay was a brilliantly written piece on an important topic. But I realised one thing after reading its new incarnation. Why I like today's essay much more is it keeps the spirit of what I truly believe in. It is about the Soaring Twenties and not about the Moaning Twenties (pardon). Nevertheless, you did everything right, this essay couldn't exist without the previous one and now it is better and more inspiring. So, thank you! I am with you on “Show, Don’t Tell” 🤝. Cheers!

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deletedAug 4, 2021Liked by Thomas J Bevan
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