Powerful, clearly coming from a place of experience in this one. It's true when they say that perspective is everything. In many ways, I feel artists are lucky in that they are able to make use of their state to create art, to channel those emotions into a higher purpose, even though in the moment in almost certainly doesn't feel that way when you've got the black dog breathing down your neck.
As a personal example, my girlfriend is a gifted artist, truly incredible in my opinion, and she's often told me that the most productive period of her life was a 9 month span where she was working on her portfolio for art school, before we had met in her late teens.
The portfolio got her accepted, and it was by all accounts an incredible collection of work, not to mention the host of other drawings and paintings she created during that period. But she also admitted that those were some of the most miserable months of her life, being depressed, feeling lonely and isolated from her friends and classmates, she turned inward and spent several hours every evening lost in creating her art, because she had a singular purpose which allowed her to forget about the pain she was going through each day.
She's much happier now (I take all credit for this of course), but she still occasionally gets periods of depression now and again, and each time losing herself in her art is what distracts her from it until the mood subsides, and each time she produces something that reminds her of how she can get through it.
I think a large part of the reason these depressive episodes are less frequent is because she has those tangible reminders of her own strength, aside from the other lifestyle factors of course.
"Ultimately, you have to figure things out for yourself. There are people to guide you but no one can save you."
A rare statement these days, but a very true one. Most people don't know themselves, they don't spend enough time alone, and they don't ask themselves the important questions about life.
To quote the most quoted man in existence, “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
You have to spend time alone, preferably in nature, with a notebook, and without a phone and think. Just sit there, bored, but don't allow yourself to do anything other than write, and see what comes out of you.
"So, to the question of how one manages the adjustment from returning to the surface after ‘diving for pearls’ I will say this. You have to create your own strategies. Strategies that involve shining that light of imagination and using those skills of self-talk and visualising towards states stronger than those that a piece of transformative art sometimes necessitate."
The mentioning of self-talk and visualisation here, not to mention the emphasis on creating your own strategies is what I think sets you apart. You're in the unique position of being an artist who knows about and understands principles of state control, who is at least aware of the ability to detach from and control your emotional state, which isn't something that can be said for most artists.
I could be wrong here, but I feel there's a thread of balancing the stoic and the epicurean, delving into emotional states and channeling them into creating art, and pulling yourself out of that state after you've gotten what you needed from the black dog through stoically suppressing and detaching.
Just some thoughts on it, great post as always Tom, pleasure to read.
As always there are so many great points you make that I could riff on here but I’m going to pick one I’m particular that caught my eye:
‘ The mentioning of self-talk and visualisation here, not to mention the emphasis on creating your own strategies is what I think sets you apart.’
That’s a very keen observation and I am truly surprised that more writers don’t discuss it. Surely a writer by definition is someone with above average powers of imagination (whether that’s innate, determined by temperament or something that the writer hones through practice is an interesting question but immaterial here) and therefore this imagination should be respected away from the desk.
If writing necessitates mulling on the negative at least somewhat then surely extra efforts should be made to counteract the potential effects of that with more positive acts of imagination. I don’t think you have to be a hardcore fan of The Secret to see the sense in such an idea.
The fact that the notorious-to-the-point-of-being-cliched prevalence of addiction among writers is actually indicative of an unhelpful coping strategy for this issue doesn’t seem far fetched to me.
If you create imaginary worlds for a living why not turn your brain to doing the same thing for your own world? At the very least you have less to lose trying visualisation and affirmations and all the rest of it than you do by drinking yourself to sleep every night because that was what some literary forebears did.
Thanks as always Conor. I’ll try to be a bit more prompt next time.
I don't understand it either, maybe it's because it's not perceived as being very 'cool' among writers?
Either way being able to regularly alternate between higher and lower levels of energy/consciousness in order to create art (and not become schizophrenic in the process) is a trend I hope to see continued, especially if it means more art and less dead artists.
The fact you don’t remember how you found me and yet are still here is great. It means there must have been a serendipity or a chance event for you that lead you here. And that it paid off. These moments are always interesting to reflect on.
I really wait for Commonplace Newsletter's notification to pop-up every Sunday night or Monday morning (I live in +5:30 GMT!) as the case may be and I can, now, say with certainty that it is always worth the wait. Thank You, Tom. Keep writing these "pearls of wisdom".
That’s great to hear Kartik. I’m always conscious of making sure that I justify people giving me precious minutes of their time and attention each Sunday. That you find it worthwhile and worth the wait is fantastic. And very motivating for me.
Thank you for this newsletter Thomas. I'd say this one especially speaks to my soul and I'd like to say a word or two; first from a theoretical perspective, then from a more personal/practical pojt of view.
First, let's give a little praise to these "dark pearls" we're fishing for. I do not believe in the modern ethos of positity; I do not believe than the way to achieve happiness is to block out negative feelings and negativity (whatever the hell that means) from our lives; at the very best that makes you a delusional and dumbfounded individual that makes himself prey to the first hardship that life will inevitably cast upon him; at worst, an automaton like every selfdevelopment-fed midwit who is always incredibly emotionally repressed deep inside. Financial hardships, heartbreaks and unpleasant events are part of life, same as good things; they are not "anomalies" or things to reject; they are life itself. Refusing to receive and integrate them will leave you more fragile and unprepared in the long run. There is a serenity, a confidence in life and in yourself that can only be obtained through the patient accumulation of these dark pearls. Pearls are jewels after all, and in a sense they can make you rich. The great men in history, wheter artists, adventurers or businessmen have all fished for way many pearls that we probably will in our entire lifetime; this is the price to pay.
On another note, I too used to indulge in substances (alcohol in my case) to level the playing field. I did it because despite all the warnings and cautionary tales it worked; it soothed me and was the only thing that really helped me deconnect from the dark waters. But as you said, it only gets better on the short term and the price you end paying is just too high for the reward. So what I try to do now is first to have my "why" in check: why do I want to dive in these murky waters? Is this because I have to write something that makes it necessary in order to be beautiful and speak to my readers? Is that to better understand how I got trapped in a specific bad place in order not to do it again? If the why is clearly identified, then I can dive more confidently, because I know I'm not brooding aimlessly. The second thing is usually to put a time-frame on it (let's say 30 minutes of journaling or 2 hours of writing) and planning something good and positive in the end, like a call to a good friend, or lunch in my favorite restaurant. The important thing being not to be left with nothing specific to do, because then it will be very hard to "switch" from the emotional state I deliberately put me in. And as I'm sure many will relate to, your entire day can spiral down from here.
But I am conviced that the answers to all our Gordian knots are to be found there. So the question is less "Shall i go there" and "Is there a problem with me to think such things?" than "how do I craft my own lifeline?"
You might have outdone yourself with this one, Sebastien.
I’ll be honest and say that this weeks essay was a last minute job due to some unforeseen circumstances. I’m proud that I got it done in time but I think the quality of the piece was not up to par in spite of the fact that it has the kernel of a very good idea at its centre.
But fortunately you’ve stepped up here and filled in some of the gaps, omissions and things that needed further clarification. Thank you.
And yes, alcohol does very much seem to be an occupational hazard for the writer, or the person with the writerly temperament, as it were.
The ur-theme of these newsletters- a layer deeper than mental health even- is the idea of purpose and intention for actions. Understanding and using your freedoms with wisdom and discernment towards living a good life by your own definition. The classic existential ideas. I guess those pretentious teenage cigarette, overcoat and Camus paperback poking out of the pocket have never fully left me. And, I suspect you my friend may be of the same persuasion.
Sebastien, consistently leaves excellent comments underneath these weekly essays of mine. They regularly eclipse what I myself have written and inspire me to up my game.
Thanks for your newsletter in general and this post specifically. The timing of discovering you seems providential as I am on an artistic journey of diving for my purpose. And as you are doing with your writing I too am retreating from social media as a means to share the message. Take care, God bless.
Thank you for this kind message William. I think the present historical moment (as I outlined both last week and in the first of these newsletters I ever wrote) means that people are spending more time reflecting and searching for purpose and artistic expression.
If I can in anyway shed some light via these weekly newsletters (or at least entertain you while you make the journey yourself) then I will consider myself to have done some good here.
You said it, Jason. Not much I can add to this other than to agree. But yes, there is something in the older internet that can be reconfigured, reconsidered and built upon rather than going further down the current ultra corporate direction. This is my belief anyway, and if I’m wrong at least I can say I tried to contribute towards what I thought was a worthy aim.
Powerful, clearly coming from a place of experience in this one. It's true when they say that perspective is everything. In many ways, I feel artists are lucky in that they are able to make use of their state to create art, to channel those emotions into a higher purpose, even though in the moment in almost certainly doesn't feel that way when you've got the black dog breathing down your neck.
As a personal example, my girlfriend is a gifted artist, truly incredible in my opinion, and she's often told me that the most productive period of her life was a 9 month span where she was working on her portfolio for art school, before we had met in her late teens.
The portfolio got her accepted, and it was by all accounts an incredible collection of work, not to mention the host of other drawings and paintings she created during that period. But she also admitted that those were some of the most miserable months of her life, being depressed, feeling lonely and isolated from her friends and classmates, she turned inward and spent several hours every evening lost in creating her art, because she had a singular purpose which allowed her to forget about the pain she was going through each day.
She's much happier now (I take all credit for this of course), but she still occasionally gets periods of depression now and again, and each time losing herself in her art is what distracts her from it until the mood subsides, and each time she produces something that reminds her of how she can get through it.
I think a large part of the reason these depressive episodes are less frequent is because she has those tangible reminders of her own strength, aside from the other lifestyle factors of course.
"Ultimately, you have to figure things out for yourself. There are people to guide you but no one can save you."
A rare statement these days, but a very true one. Most people don't know themselves, they don't spend enough time alone, and they don't ask themselves the important questions about life.
To quote the most quoted man in existence, “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
You have to spend time alone, preferably in nature, with a notebook, and without a phone and think. Just sit there, bored, but don't allow yourself to do anything other than write, and see what comes out of you.
"So, to the question of how one manages the adjustment from returning to the surface after ‘diving for pearls’ I will say this. You have to create your own strategies. Strategies that involve shining that light of imagination and using those skills of self-talk and visualising towards states stronger than those that a piece of transformative art sometimes necessitate."
The mentioning of self-talk and visualisation here, not to mention the emphasis on creating your own strategies is what I think sets you apart. You're in the unique position of being an artist who knows about and understands principles of state control, who is at least aware of the ability to detach from and control your emotional state, which isn't something that can be said for most artists.
I could be wrong here, but I feel there's a thread of balancing the stoic and the epicurean, delving into emotional states and channeling them into creating art, and pulling yourself out of that state after you've gotten what you needed from the black dog through stoically suppressing and detaching.
Just some thoughts on it, great post as always Tom, pleasure to read.
Conor, apologies for the late reply on this one.
As always there are so many great points you make that I could riff on here but I’m going to pick one I’m particular that caught my eye:
‘ The mentioning of self-talk and visualisation here, not to mention the emphasis on creating your own strategies is what I think sets you apart.’
That’s a very keen observation and I am truly surprised that more writers don’t discuss it. Surely a writer by definition is someone with above average powers of imagination (whether that’s innate, determined by temperament or something that the writer hones through practice is an interesting question but immaterial here) and therefore this imagination should be respected away from the desk.
If writing necessitates mulling on the negative at least somewhat then surely extra efforts should be made to counteract the potential effects of that with more positive acts of imagination. I don’t think you have to be a hardcore fan of The Secret to see the sense in such an idea.
The fact that the notorious-to-the-point-of-being-cliched prevalence of addiction among writers is actually indicative of an unhelpful coping strategy for this issue doesn’t seem far fetched to me.
If you create imaginary worlds for a living why not turn your brain to doing the same thing for your own world? At the very least you have less to lose trying visualisation and affirmations and all the rest of it than you do by drinking yourself to sleep every night because that was what some literary forebears did.
Thanks as always Conor. I’ll try to be a bit more prompt next time.
No problem Tom, life gets away from us sometimes.
I don't understand it either, maybe it's because it's not perceived as being very 'cool' among writers?
Either way being able to regularly alternate between higher and lower levels of energy/consciousness in order to create art (and not become schizophrenic in the process) is a trend I hope to see continued, especially if it means more art and less dead artists.
I like your writing and don't even remember how I got to you.
Is this the poem you're talking about in the beginning?
Yes it is, Paul.
The fact you don’t remember how you found me and yet are still here is great. It means there must have been a serendipity or a chance event for you that lead you here. And that it paid off. These moments are always interesting to reflect on.
Live well.
*Paulo. Autocorrect strikes again. My apologies.
I really wait for Commonplace Newsletter's notification to pop-up every Sunday night or Monday morning (I live in +5:30 GMT!) as the case may be and I can, now, say with certainty that it is always worth the wait. Thank You, Tom. Keep writing these "pearls of wisdom".
That’s great to hear Kartik. I’m always conscious of making sure that I justify people giving me precious minutes of their time and attention each Sunday. That you find it worthwhile and worth the wait is fantastic. And very motivating for me.
See you here next week.
Thank you for this newsletter Thomas. I'd say this one especially speaks to my soul and I'd like to say a word or two; first from a theoretical perspective, then from a more personal/practical pojt of view.
First, let's give a little praise to these "dark pearls" we're fishing for. I do not believe in the modern ethos of positity; I do not believe than the way to achieve happiness is to block out negative feelings and negativity (whatever the hell that means) from our lives; at the very best that makes you a delusional and dumbfounded individual that makes himself prey to the first hardship that life will inevitably cast upon him; at worst, an automaton like every selfdevelopment-fed midwit who is always incredibly emotionally repressed deep inside. Financial hardships, heartbreaks and unpleasant events are part of life, same as good things; they are not "anomalies" or things to reject; they are life itself. Refusing to receive and integrate them will leave you more fragile and unprepared in the long run. There is a serenity, a confidence in life and in yourself that can only be obtained through the patient accumulation of these dark pearls. Pearls are jewels after all, and in a sense they can make you rich. The great men in history, wheter artists, adventurers or businessmen have all fished for way many pearls that we probably will in our entire lifetime; this is the price to pay.
On another note, I too used to indulge in substances (alcohol in my case) to level the playing field. I did it because despite all the warnings and cautionary tales it worked; it soothed me and was the only thing that really helped me deconnect from the dark waters. But as you said, it only gets better on the short term and the price you end paying is just too high for the reward. So what I try to do now is first to have my "why" in check: why do I want to dive in these murky waters? Is this because I have to write something that makes it necessary in order to be beautiful and speak to my readers? Is that to better understand how I got trapped in a specific bad place in order not to do it again? If the why is clearly identified, then I can dive more confidently, because I know I'm not brooding aimlessly. The second thing is usually to put a time-frame on it (let's say 30 minutes of journaling or 2 hours of writing) and planning something good and positive in the end, like a call to a good friend, or lunch in my favorite restaurant. The important thing being not to be left with nothing specific to do, because then it will be very hard to "switch" from the emotional state I deliberately put me in. And as I'm sure many will relate to, your entire day can spiral down from here.
But I am conviced that the answers to all our Gordian knots are to be found there. So the question is less "Shall i go there" and "Is there a problem with me to think such things?" than "how do I craft my own lifeline?"
You might have outdone yourself with this one, Sebastien.
I’ll be honest and say that this weeks essay was a last minute job due to some unforeseen circumstances. I’m proud that I got it done in time but I think the quality of the piece was not up to par in spite of the fact that it has the kernel of a very good idea at its centre.
But fortunately you’ve stepped up here and filled in some of the gaps, omissions and things that needed further clarification. Thank you.
And yes, alcohol does very much seem to be an occupational hazard for the writer, or the person with the writerly temperament, as it were.
The ur-theme of these newsletters- a layer deeper than mental health even- is the idea of purpose and intention for actions. Understanding and using your freedoms with wisdom and discernment towards living a good life by your own definition. The classic existential ideas. I guess those pretentious teenage cigarette, overcoat and Camus paperback poking out of the pocket have never fully left me. And, I suspect you my friend may be of the same persuasion.
See you here again next week, Sebastien.
This is good. Thanks
Sebastien, consistently leaves excellent comments underneath these weekly essays of mine. They regularly eclipse what I myself have written and inspire me to up my game.
It’s good too see you here again, Doctor.
Live Well.
Thanks for your newsletter in general and this post specifically. The timing of discovering you seems providential as I am on an artistic journey of diving for my purpose. And as you are doing with your writing I too am retreating from social media as a means to share the message. Take care, God bless.
Thank you for this kind message William. I think the present historical moment (as I outlined both last week and in the first of these newsletters I ever wrote) means that people are spending more time reflecting and searching for purpose and artistic expression.
If I can in anyway shed some light via these weekly newsletters (or at least entertain you while you make the journey yourself) then I will consider myself to have done some good here.
Live Well
You said it, Jason. Not much I can add to this other than to agree. But yes, there is something in the older internet that can be reconfigured, reconsidered and built upon rather than going further down the current ultra corporate direction. This is my belief anyway, and if I’m wrong at least I can say I tried to contribute towards what I thought was a worthy aim.
And in many ways that’s enough.
Live well.